Why Choose Actionhero

actionhero javascript node.js typescript 

or: Actionhero is the Node.js server for when your project grows up


Actionhero + Standard.js

actionhero javascript node.js 

I don’t want to talk about ESLint ever again. I don’t ever want to talk about "code style" ever again. I want to write code, and I want the…


ActionHero v15.1.2: Security Release

actionhero javascript node.js 

Today we released the first-ever security release for ActionHero.


ActionHero and Node.JS v7

actionhero javascript node.js 

Does ActionHero work with with the newly released Node.js v7?


ActionHero V15.0.0 and Release Cadence

actionhero javascript node.js open_source 

A quick note to say that ActionHero has reached version 15. You can read the full release notes here.


Building and Testing ActionHero Plugins

actionhero javascript node.js 

Over the past few months, I’ve been working on projects which grew to become ActionHero Plugins. ActionHero is a Node.js framework for…


Ansible, LetsEncrypt!, NGINX, and ActionHero

actionhero ansible javascript node.js 

If you don’t already know LetsEncrypt! is an awesome project which aims to bring free HTTPS certificate to every site on the web. HTTPS…


ActionHero’s Resque UI

actionhero javascript node.js 

Today I released a Resque UI for ActionHero, ah-resque-ui.


Actionhero v14 and a problem with recursive configuration

actionhero javascript node.js 

Actionhero is now at version 14.0.1!


A memory leak in node (ActionHero)

actionhero javascript node.js 

We recently found & solved a memory leak in ActionHero. If you use ActionHero to serve static assets, you should see a significant memory reduction!

